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This limited edition Italian-American Folk Magic kit includes the following:


1oz Non e niente (Translation: It is nothing) oil. A phrase that is used as a reminder that everything is okay and will work out. To calm energies, cure malocchio, aid in healing ailments, and used as a preventative form of protection.

8oz Buon Nido (Translation: House blessing) cologne to ward off evil and purify the home to replace the energy with abundant blessings. Restoring and tending to the spirit of the home.

Santucci bag (Translation: Protection charm bag) for protection against malocchio, jealousy, envy, and negative energires toward you or your home. Keep concealed from others.

Three Kings Blessing Salt to be used at the entryways and thresholds of the home for blessings and protection. 

7 day black candle for spiritual cleansing, banishing, protection and to cure malocchio.


Please note that due to the nature of these limited edition items, customs are not available for allergens.

Italian-American Folk Magic Kit

Out of Stock
  • The items at Jaq's Witchy Ways are hand crafted to be used with the intention of the buyer, Oils are not to be used or intended to be used as a replacement of professional advice and help such as medical, legal, psychological, or business. None of my items are designed to cure or treat any ailments, injuries, or illnesses. Please be careful if pregnant or trying to conceive. It is recommended that products always be patch tested before topical use to avoid possible irritation.

  • Due to the nature of these items craft, they are not available for return. Thank You! If you have any allergies, please contact us prior to purchase. We will reply within 24 hours!

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